How to Teach a Child to Play Guitar

Kids can learn things quickly but keeping them focused on one thing is difficult. It is a great thing to let your child play musical instruments and let them express themselves. In case you want to teach your children guitar professionally or just for fun, you should keep in your mind that this process is difficult for them to learn. Thus you need to make it easier. In addition to being difficult, learning guitar can be frustrating and boring as well. You need to make this task fun-filled for your kids.


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    Choose the instruments

    First of all you need to pick the right instrument for teaching your child how to play guitar. Guitars come in different shape and sizes and you need to get the right size of guitar for your kid. If the kid is 3 to 6 years of age then you can get him a half-size acoustic. For children of ages 6 to 9, you can get three-quarter acoustic and for kids of age 9 to 12, get a student acoustic. Children above this age get a full-size acoustic. You do not want to get an expensive one as you will need to upgrade it after a year or two.

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    Let them befriends with guitar

    You need to make your child befriend with his guitar. Let them do what they want and experiment on the guitar. You can mute the strings by tying a note on the neck of the guitar and then let your child express his feelings.

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    Let your child tune the guitar

    You should let the child tune the guitar. This process is difficult but important. Get a tuning machine and let the child copy it.

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    Teach them the easiest things first

    You need to teach your child easiest and simplest things first about the guitar. For example you can teach them a theme of James Bond in three parts. Remember that it should be recognizable and easy to play.

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    Let the kids repeat so they can practice playing it. By this way they will pick up to play guitar quickly.

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    Chord changing speed

    You need to improve your child’s chord changing speed. You can teach your child about different shapes of new chords. Let them change chords against time i.e. find how many times they can change chords in given time period.

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    Encourage singing

    You need to encourage your child to sing while playing. This will increase their interest of playing guitar.

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