How to Teach a Child to Pray

Teaching the young ones to pray is a vital skill that he or she will make use of for the rest of their lives. Praying is a very natural concept and almost all religions encourage people to pray to their God. You are told to pray in times of need, happiness and sorrow. Understand that this is one of the best presents you can offer to your child. Also, it gives you inner peace and brings you closer to your God. There are a number of ways with which you can teach a child to pray.


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    Tell them to pray on a regular basis

    You should teach your child to pray from a very young age. By doing this, the child will instill the habit and follow it for the rest of their life. Ask your child to recite the same prayer every time he or she goes to sleep. On the other hand, you can tell them change the prayer as they wish but be sure that they can easily memorise it as part of their bedtime ritual. Try not to teach them difficult prayers as they are still kids and cannot learn and recite prayers that are very long.

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    Gradually increase the amount of prayer

    You need to expand on the memorised prayer over time. After your child has been saying the same prayer for a while, add more prayers to the previous one. You can teach your child be grateful to God for their grandparents, siblings or pets. In addition, tell them that they can pray for someone to recover from their respective illness. Make sure you begin little by little as your child gets older and they can lean more prayers. As he or she develops, teach him more mature religious concepts.

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    Pray after every accomplishment

    Encourage them to pray in their everyday routine. When your child does really good on an exam or gets selected for the football team, take time out to thank God for these wonderful moments. Also, take time out to show your child all the wonderful things in nature and how offering prayers they can thank God for everything. Moreover, if they witness a road accident, ask them to pray that the people involved do not get injured. Remember to lead by example and pray in front of your children so that they copy your behaviour.

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