How to Teach Children to Protect Themselves

Children are the most vulnerable segment of the community and are susceptible to all sorts of threats. They have usually weaker physically then their aggressors, trustful and tend to get nervous in uncertain and hostile situations. As a parent, it is hard to imagine your child in a difficult situation like being bullied, robbed or even kidnapped in the extreme ones. Parental concerns can reach the height of distrust and insecurity and can lead to an extreme where they do not let the kid away from their sight. However, it is always better if your teach you kid to protect himself/herself instead of overshadowing him and being over protective. Have a look at our step by step guide.
A realistic approach
Look around you and point out the areas where your child is vulnerable to danger. This could be school, neighborhood and even home. Think out strategies to cope up with these danger points. -
Take them into confidence
Talk to your children about their fears and apprehensions about certain people, situations and places. Give them situation scenarios and ask them what action they will take if certain events happen. This will give you an idea of their natural instincts to protect themselves. Here is your opportunity to guide them about the right methods of protection. -
Teach them to seek help
Make the police appear friendly and approachable to the children by introducing them to neighborhood cops in a nice manner. Explain the role of police to them and how they should ask them help when they feel insecure. Make the children memorize emergency numbers like your mobile phone number and that of a local child protection center. Encourage the child to tell you or his teacher about any psychological or physical bullying he faces. -
Teach self-defense
Basic self- defense courses are available where you can enroll your children to learn different defense arts like karate. These programs help children gain confidence and dodge tricky situations. -
Stranger training
Children trust easily. Train them well to avoid strangers who call them, ask them to come with them, present them candy or pose as if they are family friends. They should know that leaving home on their own without parental guidance can be very dangerous. Use stories and movies with suc situations to make it sink deep. -
Alone at home
It is not advisable to keep young children alone at home. However, in an unavoidable event, keep emergency phone numbers on the phone side and ask neighbors to keep an eye on the house. Children should be trained to never open a door for strangers and use the peep hole wisely.