How to Teach Children with Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning disability that results in an individual to struggle with writing and reading. It can also influence other aspects of life such as concentration, memory skills and planning. If you are aware of how to teach a dyslexic child, you can assist build their self awareness along with their cognitive skills by the help of teaching methods with a multi sensory approach. This will aid them just not in the class, but also for their entire life. There are a number of effective and proven ways to teach kids with dyslexia.
Make use of a multi sensory approach in teaching
This involves using many senses in a single time frame like sight, movement, touch and sound. This is very good for all students, and even better for a dyslexic kid. You can write note cards. This gives something real for children to look at as well as providing them something to grab. Note card helps them make use of their auditory and motor skills. Sand trays are also a good option. They are tray like containers that consist of sand. Kids can spell words or draw things in the sand to engage their sense of touch. -
Recreational activities
Arrange fun games into their learning time. Activities and other creative exercises get these children more involved in the learning schedule. Things such as these are fun and rewarding, and provide them a feeling of fulfilment. On the other hand, you can utilise colour. Visual cues help people with dyslexia to comprehend written material. Use colour on the marker board or blackboard. Write decimals in math questions with various colours. Try to write in a colour other than red. This is because red is considered as a negative connotation in most of the countries. -
Make use of time in an efficient manner
Dyslexic kids mostly struggle with concentrating on things. They get distracted easily, and may have a difficult time listening to a long lecture or seeing a lengthy video clip. They also suffer from short term memory loss that makes it hard for them to write notes or understand easy instructions. Take proper time and not rush through a class. Give kids time to note down something written on the board. Also make sure they understand a topic before you teach the next one. Repeat your instructions from time to time as they suffer from a short term memory loss.