How to Teach Kids Investigation Skills

Investigation skills come under the broad bracket of ‘life skills’ which help us survive and progress in this quest of survival of the fittest. Investigation skills are needed not only in academic but in routine life situations where you need to rattle your mind for finding out a reason for any event. We learn most skills as children when the mind is fresh and ready to accept new things eagerly. Childhood is the best age to start building up your children’s investigation skills so that they grow up to become vigilant and witty individuals. Steps below will help with the cause.


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    Encourage questions:

    Much that it gets annoying at times when you are busy, encourage your children to ask questions. Answer them in a convincing manner. Questions are the most important element of an investigation process. Train your child to ask anything that is not clear to him, be it at home or in class. Instead of giving a short direct answer, guide them through the process by speaking out loud so that know how your mind works on a problem and reaches a conclusion. Encourage science and art activities and solving puzzles and crosswords.

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    Cartoons and movies:

    They are the best outlet apart from yourself. Cartoons that theme around solving cases like ScoobyDoo develop children's mind to function in an investigative manner where they speculate about different angles in the story. Cartoons like Dexter increase their scientific exposure and they start looking at everything around them with the eagerness of a scientist. Detective movies also  fulfill the task well. Comics have for long served the purpose of building up investigation skills in children. Games like treasure hunt also develop the skill.

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    At times instead of giving a direct answer, make the child work for the answer and find it out himself like through the internet or the books. On weekends give the children different research assignments like what are the benefits of microwave or how do penguins keep warm? These kind of activities are going to build up a sound cognitive system apart from the academic progress.

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