How to Teach Library Skills

With the increase of project-based learning, children are required to know library skills in order to complete their projects. Students also need to learn these library skills in order to find the solutions of their problems which they may face in their life ahead.


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    Plan an orientation for students

    You need to plan a session with your students. You need to contact your library staff and arrange a session with your students.

    Remember to tell about your plan to staff beforehand and fill out requirements for conducting this orientation session. This will prevent any problems you may come across during the session by the library staff.

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    Teach the standards

    First you need to teach the standards to your students. You should take information from the Department of Education website and make slides or handouts which you can circulate during teaching.

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    Then take the students on a tour in the library. You need to show them where computer lab is and tell them about the different sections.

    You should teach students library searching skills i.e. to look for books according to the author name, title, subject or keywords.

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    Internal library loan system

    You should know that students may end their research if they cannot find their information within the library. Thus you need to teach the students how to get information about their projects by using internal library loan system.

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    Selecting library resources

    Next you need to teach the students of how to choose a book and which type of books they should choose.

    You should teach the students by giving them handouts in which you have written the tips of selecting library resources in point form.

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    Ethical obligations

    You need to check out the library and technology user agreements which the state or district in which you are living have obliged. Then make copies of it and pass out to the students so they read it.

    Remember to make summary of the ethical obligations which students should know when they borrow a book. Jolt them down in bullet form.

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    Let students ask questions

    In the end, let the students ask question or queries which they have regarding library. You also need to tell students from whom to ask for help in library.

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