How to Teach Sign Language to Children

Children with impaired hearing or speaking issues usually become frustrated when they find themselves unable to communicate their needs, want or feelings. Therefore, it is better for the parents to know how to teach sign languages to children, which is not a difficult task at all. Sign languages are perfect source of communication for the special children who are hearing impaired. However, sign languages also help the normal children to express their situation through body language as many times kids feel shy to communicate in front of others. Once you teach the simple sign languages to your child, you will love to see their confidence level increasing with the ability to communicate.


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    First of all, start with few and easy sign languages. Introducing too many signs at one time will be a useless effort. You can get help from some useful sign language resources like the videos, books or websites.

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    Introduce the signs to your children in such a way as “you say the word.” It helps in associating the word with the sign language.

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    Keep up a constant and proper eye contact with your child while teaching them various sign languages. Make sure that your children can clearly observe the movement of your eyes, mouth and hands.

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    It is better to point out the exact object or item that you are talking about. The other best thing you can do is, “perform the specific action” in front of your child to make it more clear.

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    Try your level best to make the sign languages as simple and best for your children as you can so that they can get it quickly.

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    Involve your child by using his or her hands to form the signs. This simple activity helps your children getting a feel for forming the specific sign.

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    Repeat the sign languages on daily basis in order to make your children use to it. Also grab the opportunities to introduce a new sign language every time.

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    Make sure to be attentive towards your children going through the process of learning the sign languages and respond instantly when he or she uses any of the signs. The attention that your child receives is the most excellent reward to enhance their learning abilities.

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    Teaching sign languages to children is no doubt one among the very difficult task for both parents and teachers that require patience and full control on your nerves. But you cannot even think about scolding or discouraging them in any case as it leads towards the failure in the major responsibility on your shoulders. Therefore, appreciate them during their efforts to learn the sign languages and encourage them to improve with the passage of time.

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