How to Teach Study Skills to Teenagers

Those who have had the experience of teaching a teenager are pretty aware of the fact that study skills of majority of them are below average. Most of the people will agree to this that the teenagers at home have very poor study habits and they just keep messing around with the notes and pages.

The mess in the room is not just the problem, most of them also lack at understanding the contents of the course and some of them have really no idea how to make notes of their course material and learn from it.

Teenagers are often found lying on bed and doing homework while the bed is usually surrounded by assignment papers and everything is messed up. As a result, they then struggle to align the pages of their assignment which actually wastes a lot of time.

One should keep in mind that the best output is not achieved by carrying bulk of course material but by handling the notes intelligently. Another problem that elders often face is that the teenagers try to study while listening to the music, which is very close to be of no use as it diverts their attention.

However, to improve the study skills of teenager, the following steps should be followed:


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    First of all, you should know about the study routine and habits of the teenager to have a clear picture of his strengths and weaknesses. What you need to do here is to inspire them to utilise their time effectively so he/she should not only remain engaged in just study but have plenty of time for other activities.

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    You should demonstrate him the ways to study effectively and how can he/she be a good learner. Tell her to highlight the strong points of every topic as this would make the learning process much easier.

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    Advise him to keep separate notes of all courses otherwise everything would be jumbled up. Keeping separate notes of every course would make it convenient for him/her to have access to the notes.

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    Make note of teen’s schedule, so you should be able to know about the upcoming tests and thus it would be easier for you to arrange for his/her extracurricular activities.

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    Help him/her as much as you can to prepare for the tests. Make it loud and clear that he/she will only be allowed for a group study with friends after they improve their performance.

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