How to Teach your Child to be Honest

“No legacy is as rich as honesty,” well said by the great William Shakespeare. No one can deny the importance of honesty as it leads an individual towards success in the religious and worldly affairs. Moreover, one lie leads to many others. That is the reason why all parents want their children to honest.

Parents must try their level best to teach their children to be honest from the early age. No doubt it is one among the daunting challenges for parents, but this simple guide of step by step contains all the best possible methods to teach your child to be honest.


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    Lead your children by example

    “Parents are first teachers to a child.” So, be a role model for your children and do not lie in front of them – even in joke!

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    Talk to your children about honesty

    Sit with your children and let them know about the importance of honesty. A dry lecture on honesty can be a boring activity so try to highlight its importance with the help of some stories about honesty.  You can talk about the real life happenings as well. Additionally, ask the teachers to play their role and deliver them a friendly lecture regarding the importance of honesty in one’s life.

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    It is a movie time!

    Most of the children learn enough form movies and consider the actors as their role model. Ask your children to join you while watching movie and try playing the one related to Honesty. For example, the famous comedy film “Liar Liar” highlights disadvantages of lying and the advantages of honesty.

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    Introduce honesty as a home rule

    You might be having some home rules for your children, add honesty to them. Let your children know that you are their best friend and always available to share their happiness and problems. So, they do not need to lie at any cost.

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    Advice your children to look for honest friends

    “Bad company corrupts good character.” Your children’s company can affect them directly and indirectly. It is better to advice them to stay away from the friends who they think are the liars and to associate with the children who are honest and truthful.

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    Reward the honesty of your child

    Parents are often ready to scold, but they are not always so quick to appreciate. Do not act like typical parents and reward the honesty of your child with praise, hugs and love. If your children is admitting his or her fault or doing something wrong, it means he or she is on their way to developing honesty as a habit. So, what else you want?

    Note: Make sure not to praise your children “TOO MUCH.”

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