How to Test for OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder that is characterised by intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviour. The patient(s) typically suffers from pro-longed and unwarranted anxiety, which he/she tries to reduce through some behaviour that ends up becoming second-nature to him/her.
If left untreated, the aforementioned disorder can become severe with the passage of time and makes the patient a danger not to only themselves, but also those around.
If you suspect yourself of suffering from OCD, you should take the feeling seriously and further look into it before it grows worse.
Things Required:
– Computer
– Internet connection
– Printer
Use the Internet to learn about OCD and become aware of its various symptoms. Understanding the mental disorder and the symptoms that a patient typically exhibits would allow you to access yourself and get a better idea about whether you are in deep water or if it is just a false alarm. Go through the research of different specialists to get a better grasp on the subject.
Once you have become familiar with OCD symptoms, observe yourself for a few hours or days to check if you exhibit any of them. Some of the most common symptoms include repeated checking, pre-occupation with violent or sexual thoughts, excessive cleaning or washing, nervous rituals, doing something in a fixed pattern, relationship-related obsession, etc. Note down any thoughts or habits that feel wrong or alarming.
Look for an online OCD test and take it. The results are hardly accurate, but they are good enough to give you an idea. Print the results if possible so that you can take them with you when you visit a doctor.
Seek the opinion of a professional. Make an appointment with a mental health specialist and talk to him/her about your suspicion. Share your observations and the result of your self-test with them.
Reply honestly and openly to the specialist’s questions. You need to be truthful to them if you want your mental health to be diagnosed accurately. It is important to remember that description of your feelings and behaviour is all that the specialist will have to work with in order to ascertain whether you are a patient of OCD or if it is something else. If he/she hands you over a questionnaire to fill, do it with completely honesty.
If you are asked to come back for another assessment after a few days or weeks, make sure you do return.