How to Test Your Body Fitness

Fitness test module can find out your fitness level. It gives an assessment of your body’s endurance to withhold physical activity and tracks its development over time. It can give an accurate measure of your fitness level in only three minutes. This fitness level shows your present ability to perform physical activity. You can optimize your fitness plan according to this test, track your progress and see how fit you are among your age fellows or even top athletes or footballers. Fitness test is designed for people who want to find about their fitness and maintain or improve it further. Find out your progress, adapt to the program, and discuss your findings with your trainer to extract the maximum from the training schedule.
How the test works
Take a one-minute baseline recording in a sitting position, then stand up gradually and maintain that position for two minutes. This will measure your heart rate. When you stand up, the heart rate starts rising due to the body’s internal regulatory system adjusts cardiovascular function to check that the upper part of the body gets enough blood supply and oxygen consumption. The regulatory system allows the heart rate to drop until it makes full recovery. Less efficient cardiovascular system takes a long recovery time, and the less capable the body is to withhold physical exertion. The most sudden drop in heart rate should happen in the first 15 seconds after observing the highest level of the heart rate. For a fit person, this program works very quickly. This drop in heart-rate is an indicator of cardiovascular health and the body’s ability to perform rigorous activities. -
Prepare for the test
Perform the fitness test. Follow simple instructions and begin the test. Plug in the USB pulse wave sensor; fix the ear-clip to your finger or earlobe. Then sit down and rest for one to two minutes before starting the test. Click start button to record and the device will start recording your baseline heart rate and will save it in your computer. Stand after a minute and remain that way for two minutes. Your fitness level will be calculated after the test and will determine your body’s availability to perform physical activity. -
Test report
Check your report and compare it with predicted values from a big normative database of fit individuals of your age group and gender. This will determine your ability of your cardiovascular system to withhold activity and display changes due to health improvements.