How to Throw a Knee Kick in Mixed Martial Arts

One of the deadliest counter moves in martial arts is the knee kick. If an opponent is lunging on you, there is no need to go on the defensive, as you can respond with a lethal move, which will earn you a victory comfortably.

However, mastering the knee kick is not the easiest of tasks and it cannot be done overnight. You will require months of practice and training in order to learn this technique. Moreover, there needs to be enough strength in your legs to perform this devastating move otherwise you might end up injuring yourself.


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    Gain strength in your thighs

    If you are throwing the knee kick in the face of your opponent when he/she is down, you won’t have to apply a lot of power to get positive results. However, things are different when the other person is lunging towards you. In that case, you will need strength in your thighs to make the counter move. Therefore, hit the gym regularly and focus on leg exercises. Moreover, you can go for a jog thrice a week in order to make your muscles more flexible.

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    Wait for the right moment

    Such lethal moves like the knee kick should not be thrown every now and then. If you are doing so, you will not end up winning the fight. Martial arts is all about timing, so you need to focus on that more than anything. Always wait for the right time to make your move in order to cause maximum damage to your opponent.

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    Grab your opponent and throw the knee kick

    One way of performing this move is by grabbing the opponent with both hands and delivering the knee kick. However, you need to take a firm grip of the other person, so that he/she doesn’t get away from you.

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    Throw the kick when your opponent is down

    If you have already caused a lot of damage to your opponent and he/she is already down on knees, you can finish him off by throwing the knee kick. Deliver the kick right in the face of your opponent, so that he/she doesn’t stand up after that.

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    Launch your knee upwards

    You can also deliver the kick by launching your knee upwards. This will definitely surprise your opponent and he/she might not be able to continue the fight.

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    Jump on your opponent

    In order to gain momentum, you can jump towards your rival and deliver the knee kick in his/her face.

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