How to Throw An 18th Birthday Party

You do not get more than one chance to celebrate your 18th birthday, which is why you should make the most of the opportunity that you do get. In many countries, it marks the start of adulthood, thus giving you the license to drink, drive and watch mature films.

You would surely want to celebrate the special occasion with a party and a lot of fun – after all, it is not every day you step into adulthood. Therefore, marking the occasion with a great party and having your friends and family members around you is surely a great way to start a new chapter in life.

While throwing an 18th birthday party, you must ensure that you celebrate and enjoy the occasion responsibly. There are a number of great ways to have fun without doing anything reckless.

Things Required:

– Music system
– Drinks
– Food
– Cell-phone/Computer with Internet connectivity


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    The first thing that you need to do is to ask your parents for permission to throw a birthday party. You may have become an adult, but as long as you are living with them in their house, you will have to respect their authority.

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    Next, send out the invitations for your birthday party to all your family members and friends. Ask a sibling or close friend to help you with the invitations, as there would probably be too many for you to handle on your own. You can send people a message on Facebook, send a text message on their cell-phones, give them calls or send them e-mails.

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    Once the invitations are taken care of, get your siblings and friends involved in the preparations for the party. Make space in the living room by shifting the sofas and seats a bit. Set up the music system and put together a collection of music that you would be playing during your party.

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    Plan the menu for the guests. To keep things simple, go for pizzas and snacks. That way, your mother will not be burdened with the task of cooking for a lot of people.

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    If 18 is the legal drinking age in your country, then you may want to stack the fridge with a few beers for yourself and your friends who have already turned 18. However, you will need to ensure that the younger guests do not get their hands on a can. If you think the responsibility will be too much for you to handle, then it is best to not order beer at all.

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    Talk to your neighbors and prepare them for the party. Ask them to endure the loud music for one night and apologize for any inconvenience in advance.

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