How to Track IP Address on Hotmail Messenger

MSN Messenger is believed to be the easiest way to chat and you can instantaneously connect with your family, friends and acquaintances. Since it is connected to the Hotmail email account, so is susceptible to spam and junk messages like all email accounts. Spammers may get your MSN username and send you irrelevant and immaterial website links containing Trojans, Viruses and Phishing scams. In order to get rid of spammers, you can get their IP address on MSN. In this way you can report or block them from sending you inappropriate messages. Below is the step by step guide to Track IP address on Hotmail Messenger.


  • 1

    Go to Command Prompt.  To get to the Command Prompt, you may opt the following methods;

    - Click Start > All programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
    - Start > Run, now write “cmd” in the box before clicking “Run”.

  • 2

    Now write “netstate” and click “Enter”. All open connections will be visible on your computer. It will also include everyone communicating with you via MSN messenger.

  • 3

    Make a search to find out the person whose IP address you want. Once you find him/her, ask him/her to send a file such as a document, mp3 or video. This is because MSN is a client server application and the only way to track IP address is to start file transfer process with the other person.

    Note: Make sure to enable your antivirus software so that you will be safe and secure in case of any virus infection. In order to get the IP address, you only need to initiate the file transfer process and there is no need to complete the download process.

  • 4

    To start downloading the file, accept it. In the mean time, write “netstate” in the Command Prompt again and click “Enter”. This will show a new connection and you will get the sender's user name.

  • 5

    In the Command Prompt, right-click in any place and then click on “Mark”. Scroll down and you will see the host name of the sender.

  • 6

    Once you find it, press “Enter” and write “nslookup” and enter space and then the hostname of the sender in the Command Prompt. Now click “Enter” and the IP address of the sender will be displayed in Command Prompt.

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