How to Track the History of a Used Motorcycle

When it comes to purchasing used vehicles, it is important to set aside any emotional attachment. Your evaluation must be based upon the vehicle’s history, which should be tracked taking into account all possible sources. The exterior may be very appealing; however, it’s whats under the hood that matters the most.


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    Checking the motorcycle’s VIN history will be the starting place. VIN represents all necessary details such as origin, manufacturer, model etc. The officially approved source for checking VIN history in United States is the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System. While there are other sites, providing similar services, it is preferable to go through NMVTIS for approved VIN checkers.

    For motorcycle Vin checks,, Mobiletrac, are some of the reliable sites which provide history, depending on your need. Instavin, for instance, can you help you out by providing  detail Accident Report that will incorporate factors such as accident history, salvage or loss records and as well the average industry price.

    You will be charged a certain fee before you can download the report. In some cases, the VIN is likely to be tampered with, if the motorcycle was stolen. Therefore, don’t entirely depend upon these sites and take other precautionary measures as well.

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    Inquire the owner about the vehicle. Ask as many questions as you like. This will help you if you are dealing with someone for the first time. The discussion will give you a fair idea about the condition of the vehicle and whether the seller is showing over-willingness to sell the bike. Preferably, try to work with a reputable dealer which will provide you added legal leverage if the bike has a specific problem which was not brought to your attention at the time of purchase.

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    Having examined the bike, it is important to check for warranty and other relevant documents. Warranty will only be valid if the parts are original. Ask the owner whether any custom parts were installed, or the original parts were replaced by custom ones, as they are likely to void the warranty. Make sure that the bike's registration documents are in your possession at the time of dealing.

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