How to Train for a Duathlon

A duathlon is an athletic event that includes two different activities, biking and running. During this activity, the person starts with running, then has to cycle for a while, and ends the race with another run. Be aware of the fact that distances vary a lot in various duathlons. As a result of this, there are some duathlons that are the dream for a number of athletes. Also do not confuse a duathlon with a biathlon. Remember that the events time is different but the format of the race will always be the same. There are several ways to train for a duathlon with good effect.


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    Get good equipment

    First of all, you need to purchase the important equipment. It is a necessity to buy the proper running shoes that are your size. For this, you can pay a visit to a running store such as Nike or Adidas to get good shoes. Moreover, get a bike that fits your criteria. Know that bike shops offer fittings for a very cheap price, and even provide it free of cost if you also buy the bike from there. These things will help you in the duathlon so choose wisely.

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    Practice on a regular basis

    Take time out to set a proper training routine. Schedule your workouts evenly. On the other hand, also spread them so you do not get bored of the routine. Get the benefit of multi-sport training which is the ability to practice various sports. You need to train for the transitions as well. There are two segments in the event, run to bike, and after that bike to run. Perfect these segments, as they both vary in nature. Also do not forget to wear your helmet and fasten it once you get on your bike to cycle on the track. Try to wear it until the race is truly finished.

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    Find a duathlon race nearby

    After you have made all the arrangements, sign up for the event. Search for a race that is the good distance for your individual talent and ability. Try to go early for the duathlon. This will aid in case there are a lot of people and rack numbers are not reserved for bikes, as all spots can be utilised. This way you get the good rack spots. Also get a feel for the track and warm up on it to get a hang of the course.

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