How to Treat a Foot Fracture at Home

You never know when to incur an injury while performing your daily work. You can even get seriously hurt in your home when a heavy object just falls onto your foot. A stress fracture can be caused when a crack appears in a bone and believe me it is really painful! Also keep it in mind that it is not necessary that you have to be hit by an object to receive a stress fracture but it can be caused when repetitive force is applied upon a certain area of your feet or legs, especially to those who run a lot. A number of self-care measures can be taken to boost up the healing process from fractures.


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    The first thing you need to do is deteriorate the pain you are suffering after incurring a foot fracture. Many pain-killer medicines are available in the market but only take the ones which your physician prescribes. Tylenol is an effective product to relieve great pain in your body. However, you better not use an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as, Advil, Motrin or Aleve, because these medicines hinder the overall bone healing process.

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    You should not exert any sort of pressure or load upon your foot. Your doctor will normally suggest you to use crutches, foot braces or walking boots to lift the weight from your injured limb. Giving support to your foot will speed up recovery.

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    Taking proper rest is extremely vital in foot fracture. You should try not to make unnecessary movements with your injured foot and give it adequate time to heal. Fully follow your doctor’s instructions of staying off your foot. You should be aware of what activities are suitable for your fracture and what are not.

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    It happens sometimes that your foot swells after the fracture. It is because of any torn ligament, muscle or flesh around the bone. Applying ice to the swollen area quickly helps recovery and is a very effective way to relieve pain. You can simply take an icepack and put onto your swollen foot for about 10 minutes three to four times a day.

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    Keep your doctor in contact and have regular checkups so that he can analyse your recovery. The doctor will tell you when you should start putting full weight on your foot and you better not rush into the decision of doing it by yourself.

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