How to Treat a Hangover Stomach Ache

So you had a little too much to drink last night? A hangover results in some issues the next day: nausea, bad headache, stomachache and lethargic feelings. There are many ways to get rid of a general hang over but we will be talking about how to cure the stomachache that results from it. The stomach gets swollen and you get a feeling that it is going to blow.


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    Your stomachache is hurting because of heavy drinking, which causes stomach acid to rise. Alcohol has this effect and the best option is to fill your stomach with something dry. This will help in soaking all the acid. So when you get up, try to eat salty crackers or some dry toast. After having some bites you will surely feel better and also the heartburn will die down. If having a toast seems really unappealing to you, make it bearable by having a cup of yogurt with it. Yogurt is beneficial for the stomach as it has lactic acid; a bacteria that aids digestion. A probiotic yogurt will work even better.

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    Try having a cup of mint tea; it is an old remedy for a stomach ache. Take a cup of warm tea and sip it slowly. If you do not want to drink tea, then try chewing some mint leaves. Another option is to consume ginger tea. When you eat something in the morning, add some ginger to it. Ginger tea Is also available in tea bags but it is better prepared fresh. Boil 2 cups of water and add in small pieces of ginger. Let the water simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Add in honey or lemon according to your taste. You will be amazed at how fast it works.

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    Alcohol not only dehydrates you but also takes away  vitamins and minerals. There will be loss of vitamin B. The deficiency of vitamin B causes nausea and stomach ache. The cure for it is to eat a ripe banana. They are not only rich in vitamin B but a good cure for an upset stomach. Another way to make up for the lost vitamins is by consuming fresh fruit juice. Do not opt for orange juice as it elevates stomach acid and might make the condition worse. A good option is sour cherry juice.

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