How to Treat a Person Who Has Nearly Drowned

Resting on the water is a rather dangerous event because thousands of people drown every year. Generally, in public places for swimming, there is always a team of rescuers to help people from being drowned and to provide medical aid.
There are cases when people rushed to help a drowning man and find themselves in trouble under water. This happens because they do not have proper knowledge and desired experience. To help a drowning man, you must swim and dive well, and you must have the knowledge of how to properly operate on land.
If you have to save a man drowning in cold water, do not remove all your clothes. Let go items such as jackets, bags, etc., for the freedom of movement. Remove your shoes and empty your pockets.
Swim to the drowning man from behind, so that he should not see you. If the victim turned his/her face towards you, make another under water dive in order to get behind him. Pass one arm in the armpit of that person, lead it through the chest and grab the drowning hand area by holding him/her from another armpit. Thus, the person is back to you, do not interfere, and his head will remain above water.
After taking that person out of the water, lay him/her down and put your hands on his/her stomach. Lower his/her head down and gently push back. This method allows the water to release through mouth or nose and help him/her breath again. If the victim is not breathing, open his/her mouth and give him flow of air from your own mouth.
Check the pulse at the radial or carotid arteries. Carotid artery can be felt on the front of the neck at 5-6 cm outwards from the middle line.
If there is no heartbeat, check his/her heart beat. Kneel beside the victim and put his/her hands on the junction of the two arcs of the ribs. Straighten your arms and push the power to the front surface of the chest. The frequency of chest compressions should be at least 60 per minute.