How to Treat a Pregnant Woman

Motherhood is surely one of the most fascinating feelings in the world. Being pregnant is also an exciting period for every mother; however,  it can be, by no means, regarded as the most comfortable. Apart from a general feeling of discomfort, a woman goes through raging hormones, heart-burn and swollen feet during these nine months. If your partner or a friend is pregnant, it is your moral obligation to take appropriate care of her during this time of discomfort. However, knowing how to treat a pregnant woman is not as simple because there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into account.


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    Take her to doctor appointments

    It is never appropriate for a pregnant woman to go to the doctor alone or to drive. Therefore, you should accompany her to her doctor appointments. The appointments are likely to be once in four weeks until she is 28 weeks pregnant and after that until delivery there would be more and more doctor's appointments. 

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    Make her sleep

    Carrying a baby and excess water means there is a lot of extra weight that a pregnant woman has to bear. Therefore, whenever she feels tired, you should make her sleep for some time. These little naps can go a long way in refreshing both the mother and the child. If the pregnant woman has other children as well, you should look after them till she is sleeping. 

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    Help her with household chores

    As the time of pregnancy progresses, she would find it extremely hard to do the household chores. Hence, it is advised that you help her in those chores or arrange a maid for her for the rest of the pregnancy period. You can also take her to grocery shopping or just take care of her kids.

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    Give her a massage

    As per all the latest researches, a massage is highly beneficial for a pregnant woman as well as her unborn baby. You do not have to be a massage expert to make her feel good because even a basic massage can help her feel good. However, it is strongly recommended that a pregnant woman should consult her doctor before receiving any kind of massage.

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