How to Treat Eczema on Babies

With the appearance of red and crusty patches on the skin of a baby, many parents may be startled and get scared at the sight, but fortunately, it is not anything to be worried about and the condition, known as baby eczema, can be easily treated.

10-15 percent of babies suffer from the condition, making it highly common and even more treatable. Most of the time, it may appear as if it is just a rash or itchy skin region, but treatment should be carried through with in order to allow the baby to be comfortable and out of pain.

Baby eczema can be found on any area of the infants body, but it is most commonly found around the baby’s cheeks along with the arms and leg joints.


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    Find Out Why It Was Caused

    There is no definite cause of what results in a baby’s skin to develop eczema, but there are many factors which are believed to lead to the condition. It has been learned over time that when the immune system reacts differently to certain soaps and allergies, factorized by heat and sweat, the skin becomes irritated and swells up.

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    Visit a Pediatrician

    In any case, nothing should be assumed right away. Visiting a pediatrician, who is doctor who specializes in children, is your best bet at getting an accurate answer to what your baby may be suffering from. Not all cases are eczema and each condition has its own severity, which should be determined by a medical practitioner.

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    After visiting a pediatrician, some sort of mediation, mostly antibiotics or ultraviolet light therapy in severe cases, may be prescribed by the expert. The prescription should be carried through with in full to ensure that the condition does not reoccur later on.

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    What to Do at Home

    After prescription medicine, if any were prescribed at all, there are a number of things one can do in order to make the child more comfortable and increase the speed of the healing process.

    Some of the best things to do would be using moisturizers made for a baby’s skin, allowing it to retain the moisture and preventing skin from drying up and aggravating the condition. A lukewarm bath would also allow the skin to cool off and help with the itching as well.

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    Prevent the Baby from Scratching

    The one thing that the baby would need to stop doing is stop scratching the affected area, which may potentially make the condition worse. Some parents may even go to the extent of putting on “scratch mittens”, which are found in stores specializing in children’s products.

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