How to Treat Ethylene Glycol Poisoning

There are many materials around us that are hazardous in nature or have elements in them that can be poisonous. One must be careful in storing these materials, liquids in particular as kids can consume them.

One such liquid is ethylene glycol, which is used in anti-freeze. It is a kind of alcohol that is poisonous and has a sweet taste. Due to its presence, an agent to make it bitter is added to avoid accidental consumption. If someone has consumed this by accident, there are ways of dealing with it by taking the right steps.


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    Initial Treatment

    In order to stabilise the patient, it is important that an initial treatment is provided before getting further medical treatment. Provide some gastric decontamination such as nasogastric aspiration. Make sure that you do it quickly as the ethylene glycol can get absorbed into the blood pretty quickly. Activated charcoal does not absorb glycols so it will not be effective in this case.

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    After the initial treatment, rush the person to the nearest hospital or health care facility with qualified staff. They will most likely administer ethanol on the patient. A usual solution of five to ten percent with five percent dextrose should do the job. Ethanol helps in fighting the glycols and reduces the toxic metabolites that are being made.

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    Start hemodialysis in order to get rid of the ethylene glycol in the system that has yet not been metabolised. It will also cause a degradation of the kidney functions which are due to the ingestion of the ethylene glycol.

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    There are antidotes that are available and these should be administered along with the hemodialysis. Make sure that it is done by a doctor or someone who is qualified to perform these tasks.

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    This is also useful as it inhibits the action of dehydrogenate. It will also help in reducing the production of the toxic byproducts that are forming due to the ingestion of ethylene glycol.

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