How to Treat Frontal Hair Loss

Hair loss in men is a fairly common phenomenon nowadays. Healthy and thick hair is an important part of a beautiful appearance and a source of pride and admiration. It is therefore easy to understand the anxiety and moral discomfort, if your hair suddenly starts to fall faster than usual. The hair becomes dull, brittle, starts to fall because of problems associated with the roots and scalp. In fact, the causes of hair loss are many such as hormonal changes, heredity, frequent stress, vitamin deficiencies, malnutrition or poor diet.

Things Required:

– Aloe Vera
– Eggs
– Vodka


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    Hair loss treatment should be comprehensive. First you need to carefully determine the cause of the phenomenon and fix it. For example, if the loss of hair is a result of constant stress and excessive nervousness, then maybe you need some sedatives. Most of the time, hair loss can be associated with your lifestyle. If your diet is poor or you eat unhealthy foods then it can definitely have an impact on the health of your hair. Always try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables often. Also, you will want to drink juices and milk regularly. Try to stay away from junk food as they can have a negative impact on the health of your hair. Also, you will want to stay away from various hair care products like gels and hairsprays. Although they might be useful but over prolonged use they can damage your hair and scalp quite significantly.

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    Strengthen your hair at home by preparing lotions and masks at home. For the preparation of nettle lotion, take one tablespoon of herbs and boil it in water. Rub into the scalp twice a week for three months. Nettles can be used in combination with vinegar. You can easily make this lotion at home and find the ingredients at any supermarket. Remember if you do decide to put something like this on your hair and scalp then you should do it everyday until you notice a difference. This can take some time until you see positive results.

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    Hair masks stimulate blood circulation of the scalp, nourish the hair and strengthen them. The mask can be made from Aloe Vera leaves. Keep these dry leaves in the refrigerator for several days and then squeeze out the juice. Apply onto your scalp. You can add butter and honey in equal quantities to the already prepared juice. This Aloe Vera treatment can be quite useful in helping to reduce the amount of hair loss that you might be suffering from. Remember to use high quality fresh Aloe Vera which is available at a variety of stores.

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    Take an egg yolk and mix it with one tablespoon of vodka. Rub the mixture into the scalp and wait for next 45-50 minutes before rinsing it with warm running water. Make sure that you completely rinse this mixture from your hair. You will notice the difference in your hair if you follow this routine regularly.

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    Regular massage of the head greatly facilitates in the fight against hair loss. It nourishes the condition of hair and helps in regulating normal blood flow to the hair follicles.

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