How to Treat Retinoblastoma

Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumour that forms on the retina of the embryonic tissue. It is one of the most common diseases among young children. This disease develops mostly in childhood, the first manifestations of which can be observed at two to three years.

Modern methods can detect retinoblastoma at early stages, making it possible to carry out the treatment of the tumour in a timely manner. Early adequate treatment may significantly increase the chances of a possible recovery from this disease.

The first symptom of retinoblastoma is the loss of vision in the affected eye. With the progression of the disease, a child may develop strabismus as a result of blindness in one eye. If left untreated, the tumour may grow up to a bigger size that allows it to reflect light through the pupil. In general, for the timely diagnosis of the disease, parents need to monitor different symptoms in their child such as tentative blindness in one eye and progressive strabismus etc.

Diagnosis of Retinoblastoma can be made after inspection of the retina, where the detected tumour is less than 0.25 mm in diameter. This disease can also be diagnosed through ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography and bone marrow biopsy.

Selection of methods of treatment of retinoblastoma can be made after knowing the stage of the disease and depends upon the size, location and number of tumours.


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    Surgery to remove the affected eye, sometimes in conjunction with the tissues of the orbit, is among the traditional methods of treatment of retinoblastoma.

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    Retinoblastoma can be cured by using chemotherapy. In the event of recurrence of the disease, the procedure is repeated.

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    The second and third stage of retinoblastoma can be cured after using combination therapy in which patients may go through a surgery after receiving chemotherapy, which can significantly reduce the size of the tumours in most cases.

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    One of the new techniques is radiation therapy. Radiation therapy can be performed after giving general anaesthesia to young children. The success percentage of this method goes up to 75%.

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    In case if the tumour has already moved beyond the circumference of the eyeball, and has grown into the tissues of the orbit, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. Chemotherapy is recommended after surgical treatment.

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