How to Treat Sudden Pain in the Wrist

There are numerous causes of sudden pain in the wrist. Common causes are excessive strain on the wrist muscles, tendonitis, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome or in the worst case, a fracture. There are certain remedies that you can try at home to treat the wrist pain and inflammation. However, you should not over rely on these remedies if the problem does not seem to go away. Instead, you should contact your doctor immediately for accurate advice and treatment.

Things Required:

– Wrist brace
– Ibuprofen
– Ice
– Ice pack or hand towel
– Heating pad


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    Immediately put a halt to any activity that may involve the painful wrist. Almost all of your daily activities put a strain on your wrists to a certain degree which is why you should wear a wrist brace so that wrist joint can be immobilised and further pain can be prevented.

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    Ibuprofen is a safe medicine to take when suffering from wrist pain. Maintain a 2 pills ibuprofen dose every 4 to 6 hours until the pain has completely subsided. If you are not so sure about the use of ibuprofen pills, naproxen pills are a possible alternative.

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    The best way to treat wrist inflammation is to use ice. Fill an ice pack with ice and strap the pack around your wrist. Make sure that dominant part of the ice pack is pressed against the wrist. Leave the ice pack strapped around the wrist for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes.

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    Another possible way of effectively reducing pain and inflammation is to reduce blood circulation through the wrist. You can accomplish this keeping your wrist above your heart for as long as possible.

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    Even after the pain has stopped and inflammation has considerably subsided, massage your wrist for approximately 5 minutes and then wrap a heating pad around the wrist. This will help keep the wrist warm and prevent pain from coming back. Make sure that you massage your wrist for another five minutes after taking off the heating pad.

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    Wrist exercises also help after pain and inflammation have subsided. Place your hand on a table with the palm in contact with the table. Hold the back of your middle finger with the other hand and gently pull your finger in towards the arm. Release the finger, bring your hand in its original position and repeat the exercise again. Repeat the same exercise with the palm of your hand facing upwards.

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