How to Treat Wrinkles around the Eyes

Wrinkles, especially around the eyes, are one of the beauty concerns faced by women. The skin around the eyes is quiet sensitive and loses elasticity with time, leading to wrinkling. Sunlight exposure, facial expressions, aging and air pollution are some of the major causes behind wrinkling.  Many commercial products and skin treatments are available in the market to fade wrinkles, but they are expensive, time consuming and painful most of the time. On the other hand, there are many natural ways to treat wrinkles around the eyes, which are harmless, effortless and effective.


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    Stay away from Sunlight

    Sunlight is the root cause of wrinkles around eyes. Avoid direct sunlight as much as you can. Wear sunglasses or a beech hat while going out. Moreover, always remember to apply high protection sunscreen before going out in the sun.

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    Dip your finger tips into some virgin coconut oil and massage the area around your eyes with a gentle circular motion. Continue massaging for 5 minutes and leave it for the next ten minutes. Rinse off the oil with slight warm water.

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    Eye Exercises

    Simple eye exercises can strengthen the muscles in the region around your eyes, removing the wrinkles. Place the middle fingers right below your eyes and then lift your fingers smoothly, using the muscles. Hold this position for 3 to 5 minutes and then release gently. Repeat this simple eye exercise ten times per day to remove the existing wrinkles around your eyes and to prevent them from re-appearing.

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    Drink Plenty of Water

    Dehydration is one of the major causes behind wrinkles. You should always remain hydrated and water is the best remedy for this. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day for quick results.

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    Proper Sleep

    Insufficient sleep can also lead to wrinkles around your eyes. Try to sleep at least nine hours per day to properly rest your eyes and body.

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    Eye Masks

    Homemade eye masks are also very effective in reducing wrinkles around the eyes:

    Egg white eye mask: Break an egg into small bowl and separate its white portion (albumen). Now apply it to the area around your eye and leave for 10 minutes. Wash off with cold water and gently pat dry. It tightens the skin and removes wrinkles.

    Cucumber eye mask: It is another best anti-wrinkle mask. Crush a cucumber and mix it with 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Add in ½ teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a vitamin capsule. Mix well and apply it to the area around eyes. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with tap water.

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