How to Trick your Toddler into Taking Medicine

Kids can make your day from bad to worse without even trying. Parents often end up feeling hopeless when it comes to feeding their kid some kind of medicine of antibiotics. Kids, especially toddlers, do not like to take medicines and they make the task as much harder as possible by refusing to take the meds easily. However, not everything is dark here. Toddlers are tough to handle but with extra care, affection and some basic steps, you can make the impossible, possible.
Bribe him or her with a treat
Bribing is a bad thing but when it comes to toddlers, you don’t have to worry about the moral values and ethics. Bribing your kid is more than ok, keeping in mind that it is in his/her own interest. Offer him/her a sweet, or promise him/her to take them to the park later can help a lot. -
Hide your feelings
You cannot reveal to your kid that this medicine tastes yuck. This will scare him/her away at the very moment. In order to avoid all that, try to pretend that the medicine you are trying to shove down his/her throat is very yummy and tasty. -
Use a different doser
Kids get bored of toys and stuff very easily. Same is the case with the doser. So try changing it every couple of days to keep your toddler interested, which will eventually help you feed him/her the medicine. -
Mask it in food or drinks
Ignorance is a blessing. This is true even in this case. Mask the medicine in the toddlers’ food or drinks and it will save you a plenty of time and trouble. You can add the prescribed amount of medicine to juice, milk but you need to keep this in mind, that in order to get the full dose of medicine, the kid needs to finish the entire amount of the food. -
Give him or her a say in flavours
Let your kid decide which flavour he/she wants to have. Let him/her have a say in flavour even when it comes to medicine. These days, medicines come in various flavours to attract kids and you can use this to your advantage easily. -
Talk up the benefits
Try to convince the toddler with your words and facial experiences that taking the medicine will help him/her stay healthy. Kids usually think that taking medicines is of no use. However, you can talk up the benefits and make them take the medicines.