How to Turn Daytime Makeup into Night time Makeup

After spending a busy day, you won’t have time to apply night makeup before going out. That will really disturb you as you cannot afford people staring at you due to inappropriate look. You started your day with a monochrome makeup but the night makeup is all about dark colours, intensity and shapes.

However, you do not need to worry as you can turn daytime makeup into night time make up easily. All you need to do is to use day makeup as a good base and add layers by applying some dark colours.


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    Clean Up:

    The first thing you need to do is to cover the signs of tiredness on your face. Moreover, an exhausting day may have affected the freshness of your skin and built up oil on your face. Use blotting paper to erase these signs of damages. Remove eye makeup if you feel that it has smeared.

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    Touch up the foundation:

    Stand in front of the mirror and apply a foundation primer if you feel it necessary. You do not need to add a layer if it is not tarnished. Touching up the foundation will keep your makeup flawless all night.

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    Do not go over the top:

    Sometimes, just applying primer foundation can do the trick so it is not necessary to start the entire makeup over again. However, if you think that it is unavoidable then try to avoid too much makeup. You may use just mineral powder to freshen up your face.

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    Skin Tone:

    You do not need to create a fair complexion at night so avoid using too much skin fairness powder. You should use shimmer powder to make your cheekbones, chin and lower part of neck prominent. Remember, it is always better to stick with your natural skin tone.

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    Eye makeup:

    Normally, dark coloured eye shadow is used at night to give a sultry look. You may apply that to the outside corners and creases of your eyes. Avoid applying more mascara as it can result in clumps. However, waterproof mascara can be helpful in avoiding streaks and flakes. You can also make amends with the help of a brown or black eyeliner.

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    Apply blush wisely:

    If you want to give a rosy complexion to your cheeks then applying a thin layer of blush can be really helpful.

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    Apply a lipstick that is few shades darker than your actual lip colour. You may apply lip gloss to prevent it from being dull.

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