How to Turn off the Android Dialpad Sounds

Android devices are highly customisable, not just in terms of visuals but also sound. The operating system has attracted developers, who have invested a lot to produce applications for every purpose. When it comes to sound, you can always put your phone on silent mode. However, you can also set the volume for individual elements separately without using any additional apps. It is easy to switch off all UI sounds by selecting silent mode but if you are looking to switch off only the dial pad sounds, you can do that very easily.


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    Press the menu key on a home screen and tap the ‘Settings’ button to open the settings page. Remember that most Android home screens are similar unless you have changed them or customised it anyway. It can also be different depending on the manufacturer of your smart phone as they usually layer their own interface over the Android platform. However, you will be able to find the menu and setting keys on your home screen without any difficulty.

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    Scroll down in the settings page and look for ‘Sound’ settings. The Sound settings page will allow you to change volume levels for different things. You will given different options for changing the volume of the notification sounds and ring tone.

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    You have to look for a setting called ‘Keytones’, ‘Audible touch tones’ or ‘Dial pad touch tones’.

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    The option will have a checkbox next to it - uncheck it to turn off touch tones.

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    Now close the settings page and open up your dialer for testing. Your taps should not be audible anymore.

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    If you want to switch off sounds for every selection on the screen, the Sound settings page will have an option called ‘Touch sounds’, uncheck it to switch off sounds for touch selection. There is also an option to switch off sounds for locking and unlocking the screen.

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    You can also select the Volume option in Sound settings to individually set volume levels for notifications, system sounds, ringtone, music and other media. There are sliders in front of every category and you can easily set your desired levels.

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    If you have any problems then repeat these steps and try it again. If you still have difficulties then go online and check some of the various forums or websites that deal with Android settings. There are a ton of sites that deal with this type of issue so be sure to read through all the previous posts to see if your problem has been solved before.

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