How to Uninstall Clean Registry

There are many computer programs available that people use to fix and clean computer’s registry system. “Registry Cleaner” is one of them, and used by many people, because of its easy to use interface. However, if you, for any reason, do not feel satisfied with this program, then you can remove it from your computer by uninstalling it. The process of uninstalling ‘Registry Cleaner’ is really easy and even a novice computer can do it. You just need to locate the program’s folder in your computer and uninstall it using a specified execution file.


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    Click on the “Start” menu button, appearing at the left bottom corner of your screen. From the “Start” menu, click the “My Computer” icon and the open your C drive by double clicking on it. If you do not have your Windows installed in C drive, then you will have to open the drive that contains your Windows files.

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    You will now see a folder named “Program Files”. Open it and locate the "Registry Cleaner Trial". Double click on it, and locate the uninstall file. The uninstall file will have a Recycle Bin like icon.

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    Right after you execute the uninstall file, a popup window will appear on your screen, asking you to avail a five dollar credit for Registry Cleaner. Here, you should not get trapped in the offer, and just click “No” in the prompt box.

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    Now you need to select uninstall option from the list that appears. Click “Next” and follow the onscreen prompts. Click the “Finish” button at the end to finish the uninstall process. After the uninstall process is complete, go back to the Program Files and delete the “Registry Cleaner Trial” folder.

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    If you find it a bit difficulty to find the uninstall file manually, then you can use add/remove feature in the Control Panel. To use the add/remove program feature, choose “Control Panel” from the “Start” menu and double click on the “Add or Remove Programs” icon.

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    You will now see a list of different programs installed in your computer. Here, you need to locate and click on “Registry Cleaner” and then click the “Change/Remove” button. The same uninstall process will begin, which appeared by clicking the uninstall file in step 3. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the uninstall process.

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