How to Uninstall Mcafee Security Center

‘How to Uninstall McAfee Security Center’ is one of the most frequently asked questions these days. It is because that the trial versions of McAfee or Norton Antivirus come along the new computer. The trial version expires and stops working after a while. Even then, it puts plenty of pressure on the system and affects its speed.

Similarly, a lot of people want to uninstall McAfee in order to install other antivirus software. It is impossible to install new antivirus software before getting rid of the first one. McAfee is a paid program. On the other hand, there are many better programs, which are free of cost.

Several individuals want to remove McAfee from their computer, but since they don’t know how to do it, they keep suffering the pain. It is not a tough thing to do. Just take a few simple steps and uninstall the program as soon as possible.


  • 1

    Click on the ‘Start’ menu, and go to Add/Remove Programs.

  • 2

    There will be a long list of installed programs, but you just need to find Network Associates or McAfee product. Click on it, and the system will automatically highlight the program.

  • 3

    Push the ‘Remove’ button. The system will come up with a warning message. Go on, and click on ‘Remove’.

  • 4

    The procedure will be started automatically. Be patient, as it may take several minutes. The process will show each program being removed. Once the removal is done, it will ask you to restart the computer.

  • 5

    Go ahead, and reboot your system. McAfee should be removed from your system now, but the job is not completed yet. One should always delete the remaining files. For this, go to ‘My Computer’.

  • 6

    Double-click on Drive C, and enter the ‘Program Files’. Find out the remaining McAfee product folder. Right-click, and choose Delete.

    The program is now completely removed from your machine, and you can now install any new antivirus software.

  • 7

    If you want to reinstall the McAfee Security Center, insert the CD and follow the instructions. If you are still facing problems, you have to make a few moves.

  • 8

    Go to ‘Start’ menu, and click on Run. Add ‘services.msc’ and run it. Disable all the McAfee services, and set the recovery to ‘None’. Follow the above mentioned procedure to remove the McAfee from your system.

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