How to Upgrade WordPress to the Latest Version

It is highly recommended to upgrade your WordPress frequently whenever you get to know that there is an update available for the WordPress. By upgrading your WordPress, you will be able to figure out bugs easily, get latest security updates and ultimately improve the stability of your WordPress blog. You also get the latest themes, applications and some great functionality from the upgraded version. WordPress offers an extremely simple procedure to upgrade to the latest version. However, make sure to make a backup before upgrading your WordPress blog. And to do this, you have to make a full backup of your site and database backup. This exercise is really helpful because if something goes wrong, you will still have the saved copy of it. This tutorial will help you to upgrade WordPress to the latest version.
Update is Available
You will get a notification about the latest update on your WordPress dashboard. In order to get the complete idea about the updates, you need to thoroughly review the release notes and then start the updating process.
Step 1:
Once you have carefully reviewed the release notes, navigate back to your dashboard.
Step 2:
Now, click on Please update now tab, or Update to 3.02 button in order to update the latest version.
Step 3:
Upgrade to the Latest Version
You will be given two options now;
Update automatically
Update manually (via FTP)
In this tutorial, I have selected Update Automatically button.
Step 4:
If your update is successfully done, the following page will appear on your screen.
Step 5:
If it will not update your WordPress, the following message will be displayed on your screen. “Try the upgrade again”
To verify that the update has successfully done, you have go down at the bottom of the page and have a look at the bottom right corner of the screen.