How to Use a Tomato to Clean Your Skin

It looks good on your salads and makes great sauces. It also does wonders with your skin. The tomato is a beauty care product that emerges from your kitchen and refreshes your skin. Eating tomatoes rejuvenates you from the inside with all the Vitamins and minerals. When used on the outside,  tomato pulp and juice clear the skin, giving it a natural glow and freeing it from pimples and acne. Tomatoes work as a great skin cleansers and exfoliator. With all these benefits, tomato masks and scrubs are extremely popular among beauty conscious people because they are also very inexpensive compared to commercial products. Using tomato skin recipes is going to clean your skin gradually but surely.

Things Required:

– Fresh tomatoes
– Honey
– English clay powder
– Aloe juice
– Coconut water


  • 1

    Tomato facial mask:

    Squeeze out the juice from a ripe tomato to make one full tablespoon. Add to it two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of English clay powder. Mix these all well in a bowl. This is a complete treat for your skin because the honey in there is good at purifying the skin and the English clay clears up the dirt and blackheads. Beneath all this, the tomato juice works on giving you brighter skin.

    Wash your face well and pat it dry. Apply this mixture onto your face using your fingers and leave it on for 15 minutes. It will harden and crack up. Rinse the mask off using warm water and pat dry with facial cloth.

  • 2

    Tomato skin cleanser:

    Restore the freshness of your skin with tomato juice. It contains natural minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and acids which help your skin get rid of the harm done by makeup, oils, dirt and even dead cells. Just squeeze out tomato juice in a bowl. Take a clean cloth and dip it into it. Wring out the excess juice from the cloth. Now massage and wipe your skin with it. You can add in aloe oil to the juice to make it softer if your skin is sensitive to acid.

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    Tomato sun screen:

    Not only does it rejuvenates and repairs, it also protects. Fill out a spray bottle with half of fresh tomato juice and half of coconut water. Mix these both well to make an even solution. Spray on your skin whenever you plan to go out. Let your skin absorb it. Do not wipe it off.

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