How to Use Action Verbs in Public Speaking

Public speaking is by no means any easy task. It takes a lot of preparation and confidence to be able to deliver in front of a large crowd. It takes a fair bit of practice and the ability to control your fear of getting it wrong.

It is important that a speaker stamps his or her authority during the course of the speech. This can be done with the help of using action verbs. Particularly if you are speaking from a position of strength, these can be more than useful in getting the message across loud and clear.


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    Write the Speech

    The first step to be taken is to write the speech that you will be delivering. In order to write a proper one, you should go through the process of writing starting from a free writing technique. Whatever is on your mind, put it on a piece of paper and see what ideas have been gathered. Pinpoint the ideas that you will be using in your speech.

    The next thing to do is to get these ideas transformed into a speech that can be delivered. Go over it more than once to make sure that you eliminate any errors and also are able to make the speech a strong one.

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    Improve it

    Once you read it a few times, you will find long sentences that can be improved by using action verbs instead. This will not only reduce the length of the speech but will also make it more meaningful.

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    Practice the Speech

    Once it has been written, practice the speech and get familiar with the words that you will be delivering. It is important that you practice a speech more than once so that you are confident of delivering it in the right manner.

    While you practice, you will get certain points that you can improve upon in the writing of the speech and will also give you a chance to improve upon the flow of the speech. This is important for the speech to have its desired effect on those who will be listening to it.

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    Be Confident

    When you are delivering the speech, be confident and maintain eye contact with the listeners every now and again. Make sure that you have a positive body language. If you feel that the audience is losing interest, make sure that you take a more direct approach and if you have to, focus more on the most pertinent points.

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