How to Use Antibacterial Bath Ball

Antibacterial bath balls are known for highly effective antibacterial mould proofing, eliminating bacteria and other contaminants from drinking water and shower water. Typically, antibacterial bath balls are made up of inorganic compound antibacterial materials, such as natural non-metal mineral tourmаline, added with porcelаin clay and high-grade clay.

Therefore, if you feel that the water that you are using for bathing purpose is not clean and needs to be purified, then using antibacterial bath balls is the best choice. It will kill any bacteria in the water, allowing you to take a healthy shower. It is really easy to use antibacterial bath balls.


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    Take antibacterial bath balls and clean them with water at least two times before you use them. It will remove dust or any other particles settled over the surface of the balls. After you feel the upper most layer of the ball is removed due to water, you can use it to clean drinking water. When you will treat it with drinking water, the germs and other bacteria present in the water will be killed. In addition to that, the minerals present in the balls will also get mixed with water.

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    If you plan to purify the bath water, then you can take a piece of cotton fiber membrane and place it over the bath nozzle. As a result, the beads will be trapped inside, which will help in purifying the bath water. Moreover, the small ceramic balls will not come out of the nozzle and fall in the water tub. If you place the balls in the tub, then it will take a little bit extra time to clean the whole water. On the other hand, balls attached with the nozzle will clean every drop of water that will cross through it.

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    If you are using antibacterial bath balls, then you should avoid using acidic liquid shampoo or lotion, as the acid present in the bathing agent will neutralize the effect of the antibacterial bath ball in the water. Therefore, it will be of no use if you use such type of shampoos or bath lotions.

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    Always store the unused antibacterial bath balls in a cold and dry place. If they become wet in any case, their effectiveness will decrease with the passage of time. Therefore, always try to keep them away from water until you plan to use them immediately thereafter.

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