How to Use Cucumbers for Your Skin

Cucumber contains a number of nutrients that make it beneficial for beauty treatments. This edible fruit is really effective for a number of skin problems including sunburn, freckles and blemishes. It is particularly effective in treating aging problems like loose skin and wrinkles. Eating cucumber gives your skin a natural and healthy glow, while applying it externally helps soothe and soften your skin, repairing any damage caused by toxins in the air. This fruit has now a days become a part of almost every beauty product from face washes to face packs and from toners to masks.


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    Cucumber face wash

    Things Required:

    - Cucumber
    - Honey
    - A mild liquid face soap

    Peel a cucumber and grate it on a cheese grater or cut it into pieces and crush in a blender to squeeze its juice. Combine this juice with honey and a mild liquid soap, mix well and store in a bottle. Use this face wash to rinse our face twice a day. Honey used in this recipe will keep your skin fresh and hydrated, and will provide antibacterial properties as well.

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    Make a Cucumber Toner

    Things Required:

    - 1/2 cucumber with peel, chopped
    - 3 tablespoons witch hazel
    - 2 tablespoons distilled water

    Put the cucumber pieces in a blender and add hazel and water. Blend the mixture for a couple of minutes, or until a smooth paste is formed. Run this mixture through a wire-mesh strainer and store in a clean bottle with an airtight lid. Apply this liquid on your face using a cotton ball and let it air dry. Do not wash your face after applying this toner on our skin. This toner will calm and tighten your puffy face. For a longer shelf-life, store the toner in the refrigerator.

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    Make a Cucumber Avocado Facial Mask

    Things Required:

    - 1/2 cup chopped cucumber
    - 1/2 cup chopped avocado
    - 1 egg white
    - 2 teaspoons powdered milk

    Peel the cucumber and chop it into 2 to 3 inch pieces. Put these cucumber pieces into a blender or a food processer. Also add half cup chopped avocado, one egg white and two teaspoons of powdered milk. Pulse the blender on high until the ingredients form a smooth paste. Pour this mask into a small bowl and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Take two tablespoons of this mask and gently apply on your face and neck using circular motions. Let the mask sit on your face for half an hour or until dry and then rinse off with warm water, followed by a few splashes of cold water. Pat dry your face and apply an oil-free moisturizer.

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