How to Use Data to Enrich Your Content

Content is king and it acts as the most effective tool to get the readers to pay attention to what you tell them. But if content is devoid of any facts, figures and substance, it does nothing, but waste time and energy of the readers.

More importantly, you are the one who suffers the most, because you only write something to leave a good impression. You therefore need some hard-hitting data to improve the content and gain the loyalty of the readers.

Getting data is easy, but assembling it and fit into the content could get a bit confusing for some. Since numbers and figures usually intimidate the average reader, using it in the right way is the most crucial thing for a writer.


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    Improve your search

    The internet is littered with tons of information and data, and coming up with the right figures can get a bit mind-numbing. But there are some free resources you can use to find easy-to-read data for your content.

    You can use factbrowser to get the most accurate data for your content. The site has hundreds of business and technology topics covered. All the data is for free, and you can subscribe for special packages on your mobile phone or Facebook and Twitter.

    Google alerts are also very effective collecting data for your content. You can target any keyword you want. Search Google by typing Google alerts in the search bar, and you will get a link to the desired page. You can also Google alerts on your mobile phone and social media networking sites. Google alerts are more diversified than any other service devoted to providing statistical information, facts and figures.

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    Check the credibility of data

    Make sure you do not provide false data in your reports or content. Flaws like grammatical errors and irrelevant content can be ignored by the readers to an extent, but using wrong facts and figure can take a serious toll on your credibility. So, always check the credibility of data by comparing it to different sources and come up with the most accurate one.

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    Gain insight into subject

    It is not a hard and fast rule to get statistics and numbers from sites like Google alerts and factbrowser, you can also come up with simple stats if you are familiar with your respective industry, subject or topic.

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    Gain a know-how of basic statistics

    If your audience is experienced and familiar with the subject, it is crucial to get a grip on basic statistics at least.

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