How to Use Egg Yolk to Treat Hair Loss

Hair loss is increasingly becoming a problem for a large population of people who are desperately looking for treatment solutions. The world is going back to using natural products for treatment because we are all aware of the devastation products with chemicals have caused. Using eggs to treat your hair loss prevents you from all these chemicals and is also a less expensive method. Egg yolk has been used since centuries as a home remedy for thinning hair with sure results. Egg contains protein which strengthens the hair and prevents them from shedding or breaking. It also has numerous vitamins which nourish your hair and make it healthy and shiny.

Things you need:

– Eggs (depending on the length of your hair)
– Whisk
– Pastry brush
– Towel
– Large bowls
– Almond or sesame oil
– Lemon
– Plastic shower cap


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    Determine the number of eggs you need to cover your entire hair length. Medium length hair need two eggs while long hair can need up to four eggs. Most men can do with two eggs if they have short hair. Crack the egg in half. You can simply scoop up the egg yolk carefully using a spoon. Another technique is to alternatively pour the yolk back and forth between the two shell pieces over a bowl. The white part of the egg will eventually drain into the bowl, leaving the yolk behind.

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    Place all the egg yolks in a large mixing bowl. Add to it 3 tablespoon almond/sesame/olive oil and a dash of lemon for each yolk. Whisk together everything well.

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    Use a good quality shampoo and conditioner to wash your hair well. While your hair is still damp, use the pastry brush or your own fingers to massage the entire length of your hair with the yolk. Concentrate on the scalp as this is where the hair grows out. Massage well.

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    Put on a shower cap after the message. Put the yolk on for around half an hour. You can wrap a warm towel around the shower cap to provide an extra layer of warmth so that the treatment is more effective. After this time, remove the cap and towel and rinse off your hair well. You will notice sure results only if your do it frequently enough.

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