How to Use Eye Makeup to Structure Your Face

To apply the right eye makeup is an art and every woman wants to master it. However, this art does not come naturally and needs proper training and practice. For most women, it is difficult to apply the right makeup that suits their facial structure. Technically, you should not bother about the overall structure of your face. In fact, you should consider the shape of your eyes more compared to the structure of your face. Before you apply any shade of eye makeup, you must consider the shape of your eye. Some people have classic eyes, which mean the eyes are perfectly set evenly across the face.
If you have small space between your both eyes, then they are called close set eyes. In contrast, if the eyes are set apart on your face, they are called wide set eyes. In the meantime, if your eyes are deep set and the most prominent feature of your eyes is brow bone, then they are called hooded eyes. Therefore, all the types of eyes need different types of eye makeup to be applied to them.
Makeup for deep set eyes:
If you have deep set eyes, remember that dark colours recede and light colours jump out at you. You will have to use excessive colour on the hooded part of your brow bone.
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Makeup for wide set eyes:
If you have wide set eyes, which means your eyes are set apart, you may want to use majority of the colour between the creases. It will make your eyes look a bit closer to each other.
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Makeup for close set eyes:
If you have close set eyes, which means your eyes are too close to each other, you should use dark colours at the outward side of your eyes and light colours at the inner sides of your eyes. This will give an illusion that your eyes are apart.
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After you are done with the colours, you may need to use eyes liners. You can use either the pencil liner or the brush liner. You can also use the combination of both the liners. Use the pencil liner on the top lid. Then dip the brush liner in the powder and apply it over the pencilled liner and underneath the eyes. It will give a fresh look to your eyes. As a result, your complete face will look beautiful, giving out a natural look.
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