How to Use Flickr as a Comic Art Portfolio

The promotion of one’s work has become easier in this day and age as the advancements in technologies available facilitate the users in many ways. There are websites such as flickr where one can share his or her pictures with loved ones.

Many professionals also use these websites to share their handy work and let the other professionals know about it. If you are a comic artist, flickr can be of great help to you as well. All you need to do is to promote your work well and soon enough your flickr based portfolio will work wonders.


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    Make an Account

    The first thing that you will need to do is to make an account on flickr. The process is quite simple and will take only a few minutes. Make sure that you use a professional looking name for your account so that it gives a professional look when someone sees your profile.

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    Upload Your Work

    Once the account has been setup, upload your comic art that you think reflects well on your skills. It is easy to start uploading everything but you only want the artwork that is impressive. It is important that you select with care. Do make sure that you give a good idea of the talent of various types within the field well.

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    Join Related Flickr Forums

    There are many forums on flickr and you can certainly find one that is pertinent to you. Make sure that you post on it and keep an eye on the activity. Many people who are related to the business will be visiting the same forum and you may get some work on the basis of a good flickr profile.

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    Add to Your Online Resume

    Now days everyone has an online resume. Add the link of your flickr portfolio on to the resume so that the people can see your work as well when they see your resume. This is the easiest way to showcase your work to interested parties.

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    Promote on Social Media

    Once this is done, make sure that you post the links of your portfolio to your social media website accounts. This will get the people that you know a chance to see your work. Make sure that you have professionals from your field in the friend’s list as well. Do post the links to the portfolio on discussion forum on the internet as these are a good source to get the word out.

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