How to Use French Green Clay

Enriched with magnesium, potassium, calcium, and a host of other minerals and properties, French green clay is exceedingly beneficial for the skin, and is part of numerous spa treatments. At the same time, the ingredient is far from expensive, and can easily be incorporated into your beauty regimen at home. Great for leaving skin smooth and refreshed, for removing dead skin cells, and for drawing toxins out of the body, French green clay is easily available at health food stores, and can be used in facial masks, and in your bathwater.
Things Required:
-French green clay
-Small to medium bowl
-Warm water
The simplest way to use French green clay is to pour a cupful into your bath water. Make sure the water is warm, and once you’ve poured the clay in, use your hand to stir it around and mix it in evenly. Soak in the bath for around 15-20 minutes to allow the properties of the clay to benefit your whole body, then follow it up with a quick rinse in the shower, to wash the clay off thoroughly.
Another way to use French green clay is by mixing it up in a face mask, and applying this. Start by taking a medium bowl, and add in two tablespoons of French green clay. Then, pour in half a cup of warm water, and mix it all together until it forms a smooth paste. The consistency of the mixture should be such that it spreads onto your face easily – if it is too thick, or too thin, you can adjust it by adding in more water or clay, as needed.
Now, prepare your face for the mask by splashing some water onto it, and lightly patting it with a towel – however, make sure that it stays a little moist and damp, and do not allow it to dry completely. Then, dip your fingertips into the clay mixture, and start spreading it onto your face in smooth, even strokes. Avoid the eye contour, and make sure it is evenly distributed all over your face.
Let the clay stay on your face for 10 to 15 minutes. By this point, it should start to dry and will begin to feel a little tight on your face. Unlike most masks, however, you do not need to wait for it to dry completely – let it stay on for 15 minutes at most, and then rinse it off with warm water.