How to Use iPhone Apps on a Laptop

iPhone is first mobile handset, and one of a few smartphones, that do not allow access of their applications on a system other than the handset itself. iPhone has a unique operating system, therefore, applications, which can be accessed on the iPhone itself are not available or functional on laptops or other computers or personal digital assistants. However, since the market has now been consolidated fast, there are more than one third-party application developers who have to sets of the same application, one for the iPhone and one for PCs, laptops and PDAs, exclusively and respectively. They cannot be inter-changeable or usable, so their core design is separately meant for two electronic devices at outset of their manufacturing.
An iPhone Application
An iPhone application is a programme or small software that is exclusively designed by either iPhone developers or third-party designers or developers and launched into the App. Market for free download onto the iPhone. An iPhone application is exclusively for the iPhone operating system that is not compatible with MAC, Windows or any other operating system, whether on a phone or a PC or laptop. There is even no chance that these application would work onto another smartphone. It is credit to the Apple that they have developed iPhone operating system with a complete net of security.
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Types of iPhone Applications
There is no limit or restrictions to type of iPhone applications. Apple's own iPhone App. store, and third-party vendors market is flooded with applications covering a whole range of sectors. From social networking applications, data monitoring, music, advertising and other areas are covered to an exorbitant extent. Third-party developers have made the market more innovative and competitive and there is no moment every day when a new application is not launched into the App. market. iPhone is probably first of the smartphones that has led to an impressive growth in third-party applications development market and people from all over the world are developing and making available their applications into the iPhone market arena.
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Applications for PCs and iPhones
iPhone applications exclusively work on the iPhones. They are not meant for PCs, laptops or any other digital device. However, there are more than one developers in the market who develop same application for use on the PCs, laptops and other electronic devices separately. These applications are designed for iPhones and other electronic devices, respectively, and although their functions are same, they are not inter-changeable. So make sure if you buy an application, you know the device it has been bought for. Trying to force downloading them on the device they are not meant for can cause a considerable damage to your device i.e. phone etc. Generally, in instructions area it is clearly mentioned that an applications is only meant for iPhone, or there is another set of it, which be accessed on the PC or laptop
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If there are two versions of same application, one each for iPhone and PCs, it is not necessary there will be a difference in their core functioning. It is only to facilitate users or consumers to do something on the go, on their iPhones, while they cannot do it while being away from their PCs or laptops. So core functioning or objective of the application, not matter how many versions they have, can be same. Their output can be same, as well.