How to Use Meetup

Online business owners usually do a large chunk of their marketing and networking through internet. A lot of these new business ventures are related to the sale of virtual services and obviously internet becomes the number one choice for these people.

With the growing popularity of social networking, a lot of people are focusing on marketing their products on these media more than the conventional means of marketing such as newspapers and television. But even in this age of technology, some people always prefer meeting people face to face before sealing the business contract and this is the idea behind Meet Up.

The real edge Meet Up has over virtual networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter is that it helps you meet people face to face, right in your area in a very convenient way.

Meet Up allows people to form an online group that can collaborate online and meet face to face at the same time. It can be used as tool to bring people of same interest and hobbies together or it can be used purely for business perspective to reach potential clients.

Here is a step by step guide of how to use Meet up to your advantage.


  • 1

    Create an account:

    Meet Up is a free service.  Go to and create a free account.

  • 2

    Search for groups with target market:

    First of all search for groups that can have potential customers of your product.

  • 3

    Join the group and get to know People:

    Join the group and get to know people. But do not do any over marketing, just let everyone know what your business venture is all about and answer their queries.

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    Create your own group:

    Start a business networking group if there does not exists one already. Do some research on pages related to your business and write a very informative home page about it.

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    Keep the group active:

    Keep the group active and running at all times. Create topics for discussions related to the business and always answer queries on time. Schedule regular live Meet Ups with the group members and remember to always dress formally for these gatherings.

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    Sponsor a group:

    Sponsors offer benefits to the groups such as discount or free meeting space to the Meet Up groups that meet their criteria. When someone accepts a perk offered by you, your business gets publicity.

    It will surely take some time getting used to it, take things easy and step by step at a time.

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