How to Use Permission Based Marketing

Permission-based marketing is arguably the greatest tool to beat the competitors, and make an attempt to grow business in a way that is accepted by your hard-to-please, existing and potential customers. Unlike interrupting marketing, permission-based marketing is certainly the most useful and beneficial for business growth for companies that have been trying several marketing tools, but are still struggling to improve sales.

Despite the fact that everyone knows the power and potential of permission-based marketing, applying it in an effective way is still something beyond many markers, as they often resort to the unsolicited marketing practices in the name of permission-based marketing.

Believe it or not, most people hate unsolicited emails or telemarketing as they do not want anyone to interrupt their daily routine. So, it is very crucial to see whether your permission-based marketing plan is designed to satisfy people or turn them off and stop buying from you.

Not to mention potential customers, you cannot even afford to flood your existing customer’s email address with newsletters, advertisement and other sale promotion activities. You must have noticed that these days, people treat these emails as spam. So, do not fool yourself into thinking that existing customers will happily read whatever you stick down their throat after permission. The trick is: do it bit by bit, don’t rush and treat your special customers in the same way you treat those you think do not matter much to you.


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    Create an attention-grabbing sales letter

    If you are planning to hit prospective (new) customers, a personalized sales letter can solve this problem to a greater extent. Create a sales letter that is intimate and friendly enough to make that person/company pay attention to what you are saying.

    Do not just rush and start specifying the features of your products in the first paragraph, as it may make the same impression as an unsolicited message or email.

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    Opt in marketing

    Permission-based marketing allows customers use opt-in option, such as 'Contact Us' page or 'About Us' page. Remember that most of the interested customers that visit your website are always looking to get in touch with you. So, try to invite these types of customers to contact you. This is will allow you to put them in the list of companies that can then be put under your permission-based marketing campaign.

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    Create a simple opt-in form

    You can create a simple opt-in form and put it out on your website to let your customers contact you directly an in a hassle-free way. Do not make it complex and detailed.

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