How to Use Recorded Books in the Library

Libraries have been a great source of use knowledge for centuries now. Few decades ago, only written versions of books were available for the readers. But in modern days, you can easily find almost all books in recorded form. All you will need is a valid membership at a particular library and you can quench your thirst for knowledge by using the recorded books. However, not all libraries offer recorded books. Here is what you need to do if you plan to use recorded books at a local library.


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    First, you need to find the desired recorded book. Since there would probably be a very large number of recorded books in the library, finding a particular book can be tricky at times. If you do not know where to look, ask the librarian for assistance. Alternatively, you can find the book by using a particular search term such as title of the book, author or keyword on the library’s electronic catalogue or website.

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    In case you are using the library’s website, you may have the option to reserve a particular book so that you can pick it up later at a convenient time. However, not all libraries offer the reservation service and you will have to talk to the librarian in order to find out. Moreover, if a library does offer the reservation service, you will be required to collect the book in a certain time frame. If for some reason, you are unable to collect the book before the expiration date, you may be charged by the library.

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    If you plan to use the book within the library, you can either reserve a computer cassette or CD player or you can bring your own. You will also require headphones because silence must be maintained within the library which is why you cannot listen to the audio on open speakers.

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    Start with one recorded disc or tape and work your way to the last one in case the book is recorded on multiple discs. Make sure that you keep the volume to a minimal level.

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    Once you are done reading the book, make sure that you submit it back with the librarian. If you brought the book home, ensure that you return it before the due date to avoid being charged any late fees.

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