How to Use Spironolactone in Felines

Much like human beings, cats also suffer from hypertension, i.e. high blood pressure, and just like human beings, the condition in felines can also be treated using the medication Spironolactone (also known as Aldactone). This is a water pill (diuretic), which is used to reduce the amount of fluid in the body, in order to cure high blood pressure, and edema. While it is not approved by the FDA for animal use, the medication is still widely prescribed by vets for hypertension in felines.
To begin, only use the medication if it has been specifically prescribed by your vet. Do not attempt to administer it to your cat using your own diagnosis and judgement. Your vet will only prescribe the medication after assessing your cat’s current medical conditions, medication use, and its past medical history, so make sure you have a thorough consultation. Pay careful attention to the instructions the vet gives regarding the amount of medication that need to given, and the method and frequency of administering it.
Write down the amount of the dosage and the frequency with which it needs to be administered, and tape it up at a place like your refrigerator door. Most animals, including felines, are generally prescribed 0.5-1mg per pound, twice a day, and you will need to work this out carefully, in order to make sure you get the quantities right. It is also important to stick to the course prescribed for the medication, and administer the Spironolactone throughout the time specified. If your cat begins to show signs of improvement, make sure you keep going, and do not stop the medication until it is finished, otherwise the feline might relapse.
When administering the medication to a feline, the best way is to disguise the pill in some food. Feed the kitty before you begin, as the medication cannot be taken on an empty stomach. Then, wrap up the pill in some final bits of food to disguise it, and feed it to your cat. Make sure you watch carefully – some cats tend to eat the food and spit the pill out, so you need to keep trying until you are certain your cat has eaten it. Since it is a water pill, you will also need to make sure you have plenty of water available for your cat at all times.
Finally, keep an eye out for side effects, and make sure you keep updating your vet on these, all the while continuing the administration of medicine unless the doctor says otherwise. Keep a check on your cat’s eating habits, make sure it is drinking enough water, check the frequency of litter box visits, and watch out for side effects like confusion, tiredness, shortness of breath, and lack of urination.