How to Use the Swimming Pool for an Abdominal Workout

Abdominal is one of the hardest muscles to develop but if you are able to do it successfully, you can confidently take off our shirt in front of others. However, abdominal exercises can be quite demanding and you may get bored of working out in the gym. In such a scenario, you should change your routine and look for other means of working out.

According to experts, swimming is the best exercise as it puts pressure on each muscle. If you can learn some exercises in the pool, you can efficiently use swimming to work out your abdominal area.


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    Get into the pool from the end which is not too deep (about 3 to 4 feet). Start to walk in the pool. Walk straight for about a minute and you will naturally get warmed up. While walking back and forth, keep your back straight and pull your front knee up to your chest with each step. It is important to take deep breaths and to tighten your abdominal area.

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    Go deeper in the water

    Now you need to go slightly deeper into the water. The minimum depth should be 4 feet and the maximum is your shoulder length. Lift one of your legs at a time towards your chest. This looks quite similar to the previous step but now you have to lift your legs faster as your body is now fully stretched and warmed up. You must remember that your back has to be kept straight in this motion and the faster you move your legs the better it is.

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    Backstroke kicks

    You should have a kickboard with you when you go to the pool. These boards are easily available at various sports shops. You should now do a backstroke floating with the help of the kickboard. While you gain momentum, turn upside down, placing your back on the kickboard and do backstroke kicks. However, keeping the thighs, knees and feet as close to the surface as possible is very important in this exercise.

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    Use the walls of the swimming pool

    Move towards the deepest side of the pool and firmly hold a side of the wall or a pipe. Now you need to slowly lift your knees to your chest. Repeat this at least 20 times in three sets. You should not forget to tighten your abs during this exercise as well.   

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