How to Use Undisclosed Recipient in an Email

You may not want the email addresses of certain recipients to be visible to others while you send an email message to a group of people. This can easily be accomplished by using ‘Undisclosed Recipients’. As the word undisclosed would suggest, email addresses of people written in this category of recipients will not be visible to any of the recipients. This practice is especially useful when you have to send an email to a subordinate in your organisation and would want your superiors to read the email as well. Here is how to use undisclosed recipient in an email.


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    Open the programme which you will be using to send the email. It could be any of the online email services such as Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo Mail, or it can be Outlook using a personalised or official email account. Create a new email message by clicking the appropriate button.

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    In the field labelled ‘To’, type the words ‘Undisclosed Recipients’ without the quotes. On your keyboard, hit the Space Bar once. Produce an angle bracket by hitting the ‘Comma (,)’ key while holding down the ‘Shift’ key.

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    Type your email address and produce a closing angle bracket by pressing the ‘Period (.)’ key while holding down the ‘Shift’ key. The closing angle bracket tells the email programme that you have completed typing your email address and will not be typing anymore characters in the ‘To’ field.

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    Check if the Bcc field is visible or not. If it is not, you should be able to reveal it by clicking the ‘Cc & Bcc’ button if you are using Hotmail. If the email programme you are using is Outlook, click ‘Options’ and then click ‘Show Bcc’ in the ‘Fields’ section.

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    In the Bcc field, enter email addresses of all the intended recipients. You can either type the email addresses or select them from your address book. Make sure that you separate each email address from the other by placing a comma between consecutive email addresses.

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    Type in the email message and click the ‘Send’ button. Wait for the email programme to complete sending the email to all the recipients that you entered in the Bcc field. Close the email programme once it has sent the email.

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