How to Use WordPress Comment Plugins to Improve a Blog

Blogging is the easiest way to interact with your audience around the globe. There are many additional features which you can use to increase the flow of traffic towards your blog.

If you are running a WordPress blog, you can use comment plugins to develop a more profound relationship with your audience. The types of comment plugins varies from blog to blog and depend on your social networking. If you are willing to improve your blog by using comments plugins, you can take help from the given steps.

Things Required:

– A WordPress blog
– The plugin you want to use


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    First of all, you have to download and install the required plugin for your blog. Enter your account details on the WordPress and sign in. Go to the dashboard and then go to the page with the plugins. Search for the plugin of your choice and install it on your blog.

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    In order to activate the plugins, you will have to go to your WordPress blog’s admin panel. Then, choose your plugins from the menu and just click on the links to activate them.

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    It is extremely important for you to block the spam messages on your blog so as to keep your content safe from any kind of cyber invasion. WordPress allows you to use the service with which you can easily block all the malicious messages which can harm your blog.

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    You must provide necessary space to your visitors so that they can easily comment on your blog posts. You should never block any of your visitors from commenting until or unless you receive any offensive comment from them. Besides, you must also welcome every kind of honest opinion from you visitor. In his way, you can improve your blog to a great extent.

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    There are many different kinds of comment plugins for example, CommentLuv is a type of plugin which helps you in managing your visitors. This plugin works best on Drupal and WordPress. Furthermore, the best thing about this plugin is that it is free to use and you don’t have to spend any money for it.

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    Edit Comments XT is also one of the most widely used comment plugins which allows your visitors to edit their own comments after posting them. You can also use WP-Most Commented Posts plugin to know about the number of visitors.

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