How to Visit the Museum Of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles

The Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles) is the right place to visit, if you want to relish history and contemporary art. Visiting any museum in the United States or the world is not difficult, as making arrangements and planning a visit can be done without any hassle. However, what is important is that the visitors make the most from their visit and learn something about art and culture.

Located in Los Angeles, California, United States, the Museum of Contemporary Art has been around since 1979, and has been providing people opportunities to learn about contemporary art.

If you have made up your mind on visiting this place, follow these basic guidelines and make your trip much more fun and rewarding.


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    Visit museum’s website

    Like any other museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art also maintains a website, that facilitates visitors wishing to seek information about it and its programs and exhibitions. If you do not know the website’s URL of Museum of Contemporary of Art, check with Google then. Write the name of the museum in Google search, and you will get the URL. Visit the site and get yourself clued up on the museum and about what you can do to book a visit.

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    The Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles) has wide range of collections for its visitors. Surprisingly, most of the collections comprise the museum’s own works. These collections also include gifts from individuals, and several entities. There are a huge range of paintings donated by names like Dan Flavin, Ellsworth and others.

    The Museum also has permanent collections under the titles of The Panza Collection, The Barry Lowen Collection, The Rita and Taft Schreiber Collection, The Scott D.F. Spiegel Collection, and The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Photography Collection.

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    You might want to keep track of the dates of current and future exhibitions. The Museum of Contemporary Art conducts several exhibitions, seminars, workshops, and programs on art all year round, so you should note down the schedules of the programs you want to attend.

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    Lectures and tours

    There are several lectures for visitors who want to gain insight into art and sculptures of different era. The Museum arranges discussion-oriented tours that show the visitors around different galleries. Lectures can be a good way to get in touch with professionals and interested people. Visit the related page to see what lectures and tours are coming up.

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    Get visitor information

    Click the “Visit” tab to get information on museum’s location, directions and parking information.

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